Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Constant Questioning

I struggle alot with 'why?'  Why don't I try?  Why am I unhappy?  Why can't I love my body?  Why can't i just live my life as fucked up and deadly as i'd like regardless of the emotional impact it'd have on others?  Why do I care?

Everyday when I wake up and look in the mirror, for a moment, just the faintest moment I get lost.  I look at my protruding bones, my sallow skin, my empty, tired eyes.  In that moment, i don't see skinny.  I don't see fat.  I see a tortured child struggling to survive.  The next instant, it's gone, I am again big.  I am again dealing with a lifetime of bad hair days, skin that seems to not have settled right on my face as i slept, aand a fear that today will be the day my peers finally tell me that i am going to be cast out and rejected, that i am not good enough.

I once read a mental health journal on trauma and abuse that said victims of severe trauma stop mentally developing at whatever age the trauma occured.  Despite a gain in intelligence, social skill, or whatever, in the eyes of the victim, they forever remain developmentally that age.  At first, i was intrigued.  Then i decided i didn't believe it.  However, after being upset i tried to conciously witness how i subconciously reacted to negative events in my life.  It was astonishing to me because despite my intelligence, despite my manners and ability to articulate myself, when i feel threatened or experience something negative, i tend to revert right back to the age i was when i experienced the trauma i can't seem to heal from. 

Maybe, just maybe that's why in that brief moment in the mirror, early in the morning i see a child.  I am staring down the very core of my psyche and it's scary.  I'm witnessing that no longer is it the abuser who is continuing to inflict that trauma on me-- it's now me.
The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Just Dance

I must confess, i can't dance at all.  I lie to myself and blame my ethnicity (although i am often told i must be mixed because my features aren't entirely white) and my body type, i think i don't have enough meat on my bones which is why i can't shake my body all amazing like.  Anyways, this all leads up to me saying i tried zumba today.

The people i went with could see my horror and how uncomfortable i was.  Curves were everywhere in tight spandex, shaking up a storm.  I was jealous and overly self concious..  My gym clothes are baggy and don't cling.  My body doesn't shake or gyrate easily.  These women looked so happy, so care free.  I was repaetedly told i was too stiff.  I have no clue what so ever how to loosen up.  I wish i could dance.  I wish i had rythm and for once could dance and not feel like a child. or inferior.

Nobody cares if you can't dance well.  Just get up and dance.  ~Dave Barry