Monday, October 4, 2010

When does it become a problem?

~ Diet Coke= 1.3 calories
~1/3 cup Chex mix= 87 calories
~ 4 tbsp Cappachino mix= 140 calories

Daily total- about 229 calories.

The worst part is, i've done better.  I've survived on less and i'm not going to lose weight now.  Tomorrow the scale will read 15 more pounds then it did this morning, or even this afternoon.  Damn fat free cappachino, the sugar free one had less fat, less calories that will pollute my body and make it gorge up.  Tomorrow i'll step on the scale and weigh 130 pounds i'll be huge and everyone will laugh at me.  They'll know I ate and they'll humiliate me for it.

Welcome to my life.  I've dealt with disordered eating and an eating disorder for almost 10 years now.  Every day i think of this shit, everyday I think of what i can do to torture myself.  After a horrible break down in the middle of class today after some comments made about my weight (my class likes to pick on me that i'm scary skinny) i decided i needed a place to vent and express myself.  So, i created a blog.  I'll probably post random rants, my daily intake and maybe start keeping track of my weight & bmi but, i guess i'll figure it out as I go.

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