Thursday, December 30, 2010

Last night

Last night I posted this on PT:

Tonight I was in a nasty car crash.  Nobody was seriously hurt but, it seriously made me want to do cocaine while at the accident site.  I've never dealt with my serious problems sober nd i hadn't planned to tonight but, my mom stayed with me the entire time and so did my new guy, the passenger in my car.  They held my hands and hugged me as i shook.  When i finally got home I flushed the rest of my stash.  I'm still shaking but, this was the final push to sobriety i needed.  I know this is intended to be an ED recovery section but, i felt the need to share and recovery in any form is always an option.  I'm still shaking so i'm probably rambling...

It's the morning after now and life seems scrambled.  I still want to become sober, I really do but, i'm scared.  I have my first NA meeting in over a year tonight.  I am so scared.  Last night was probably one of the most terrifying things in my life and i've been through some scary shit.

~ All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.


  1. I'm very glad to hear that no one was hurt in the car crash, firstly. Secondly, I;m glad to hear that you are on on your way to NA and I wish you the very best of luck! I know that it will be difficult, but I also know that you can do this! Good luck!!

  2. We were all very lucky, so many minor things saved our lives like wearing our seatbelts and the fact that my car hadn't gotten up to the speed limit when we went through the intersection.

    It's going to be a long road to sobriety so i'll need somewhere to put those deep dark secrets. Aren't you guys lucky? lol
