Monday, December 6, 2010

Birthday Blues

So my birthday was an absolute nightmare.  Apparently I became the biggest bitch and a bad friend in the 3 days i've been legal.  Kinda sucks but, fuck 'em.  I'm so over having people run to me bitching about their lives and going behind my back to my BEST FRIENDS and saying i'm a slut and a cunt and a hypocrite.  First of all, I didn't ask these people to be my friends and i really didn't have to spend my weekends with you telling you that she was a great girl who actually liked you when we all knew she was just bored.  I spent tons of time telling you you werent fat and you could get any girl you want well guess what you whale?  I lied.  Suck in your stomach some more nobody can tell, bull shit!  I've never been called a bad friend in my entire life until i became an adult.  I've fought people for my friends, i've given up sleep, drugs, smoking, and sex to be there for them when they needed me.  Well it doesn't matter, all bets are off Kiddo.  There's a reason we don't talk to you anymore and trust me it's no us you fucking two-faced cunt.  Run to my girl again, have her kiss your ass, she's not loyal to you anyways don't worry, when she doesn't need you anymore she'll be begging me to talk to her again.

On another note, to get my mind off my recent slip into bitch mode i've been high as much as i can.  Coke, cough syrup, oxycodone, xanax and now i'm broke and my addiction is hungry.  Guess i'll cook up an old fashion nutmeg high.  Hopefully it'll knock me out since i haven't been sleeping.  Apparently hunger, sleep deprivation and thar cracked out dirty look make me hot.  I've had my ass grabbed and people trying to hook up like crazy.  As i've always said, everyone loves the party girl when it's time to get down.  Nobody gives a fuck about her when she's starving to death, being stalked, getting death threats, and can no longer stand to look at herself in the mirror.  Maybe I should've never relapsed? Sobriety is so boring, so mundane.  I only realized one thing the month or so i'd been sober, you're left with nothing.  I mean when you're an addict someone is always ready to be with you, someone is always ready to hang out with the fucked up girl.  It's extremely lonely but, i still haven't decided whats worse losing everyone who ever mattered for a substance you pretend loves you and kids only looking for a good time or being trapped with yourself knowing you've lost everyone and everything and are scared to bother to try to get them back?

Nothings new with my eating disorder for those who read for that.  i'm at 121 and i'm on my period.  I fast for 24 hrs and at the same time everyday i binge for a bit then purge then start my fast again, it happens every day now.  i'm hoping to be back under 120 by the end of my period but who knows anymore? Maybe if i get lucky i'll accidentally OD.
Beautful eh?
Fuck it i'll give you two pics:

Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.  ~Jim Fiebig

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