Monday, November 29, 2010


Today I've had:

~ 2 diet cokes
~ A biscuit
~ monster energy shot

It's too late at night for me to add up and search for calorie contents.  I'm bone tired as usual but, felt the need to post.  It's been awhile.... Searching for jobs and dilling out college applications is killling me.  I've been living on energy drinks because my neighborhoods been being robbed alot lately and my paranoia's on over drive.  The only way i've managed to sleep is when i've worked out to the point of collapsing and can't pick myself up.

Oh! skins is my new favorite show.  I'm in the US and i can't get enough of the british version.  Another update the love of my life got a new gf which is probably more heart breaking than i can handle.  On a final note my birthday is in a few days and i hope to post more.  I'm really trying even though i always say that.

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