Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Life has a really funny way of deciding when it's gonna call your bluff.  You can pretend to be someone you're not but, eventually facades crumble.  Recently i was prodded by a random person of no particular importance in my life and told, 'Wow, even you seem to be unable to avoid the inevitable 'freshman 15' i don't think i've EVER seen you eat french fries with cheese on them.'  My jaw dropped along with my cheese covered french fry and my use of ephedra products and that magic pick me up necessary to make things happen has once again been fueled.
Today i watched my mother groan as she noticed the bottles had once again reappeared next to my food scale and truvia (i've somehow overtaken a corner of countertop space with my excessive and frequent use of items my family finds strange). She was clearly upset that all her effort had washed away that quickly by a comment an ignorant accomplice made.
However, the accomplice was right.  I had been feeling softer, my bones feeling as if they were diminishing.  I had even gained 2 pounds the past few weeks bringing my massive weight up to 108 pounds.  For the rationally minded and those who calculate bmi's i'm 5'7 and it's 16.9, my bmi.


  1. Your story makes me SO MAD, because it proves how even "normal" people have really WARPED views on food. As if eating cheese fries on occasion are going to make you BALLOON fifteen pounds. Reminds me of the scene in Wasted when Marya's teacher jokes about chips making you fat...except it was the only thing Marya had eaten all day. GRRR.

    I'm jealous (in a friendly way) of your BMI, though, because its where I want to be. ;)

    Try not to let ignorant people ruin your day!
