Sunday, June 19, 2011


No, not bulimia.  Missing in Action.

I've taken a few steps back laely, completely ignoring my blog and not really posting on PT.  I hit a very rough pach in my social life where i wanted nothing to do with the part of me that was killing myself.  Everyday i woke up and realized that someone embedded in my heart no longer could.  This brave soul fought so hard to live while I continue to let myself waste away.

It's tough to think about.  Here i sit, refusing to eat while someone tonight will pray for some scraps;  I pretty much am looking death in the face and flicking him off.  Yet, that beloved person no longer with me had to go? 

Well, this is kind of a post to say i'm not dead, i'm just really pissed off at myself.
I hope people continue to view my blog as a source of wisdom or help and i love seeing comments so post them ladies and gents!


  1. Your posts are always very insightful. I feel like that too a lot, like people around ere have nothing and I while we never had a lot, we always had food on the table. And I've always avoided it.
